I found Güneş about a year before, while I was going through some very dark times. As a result of our work over the past twelve months, very positive developments have taken place in myself and in my life. I would like to thank the Güneş again and again.
Until I started working with ARTT there were many things in my life that had become part of a vicious circle and I couldn’t find the power to change myself; I thought that was impossible. In my troubled times, I was constantly getting upset and frustrated with things in my past, and I couldn’t suppress my anger. Anger and resentment were the two obstacles I wanted to get rid of. Now after the sessions, I’m much more tolerant, understanding, gentle and happy, as I should be. I changed almost everything I wanted to change in my life.
These two issues of resentment and anger were resolved in less than two months. What I had thought impossible, Güneş assured me and with her gentle encouragement the issues fell like dominoes into place. Since working, not only those two issues have improved, but every aspect has improved. I know now that my life will change once we have cleared the feelings that hurt me.
Even my friends, some of which who I have only been able to speak with over the phone can realize the difference in me. I’m still the same person, but I’ve unloaded myself of the unnecessary. Or rather I cleaned the emotions that were holding me back and the real ‘me’ appeared. I’m so happy and grateful for this!
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