Reyhan Toyran’s Testimonial
I was so confused when I went to Güneş Tan. I read the book, but it was not enough because I was tightly connected to my emotions.The wonderful knowledge of this book explained in such a practical and easy to apply way in addition to Güneş’ warm energy and heart that you feel in about two hour session have added some many positive changes to my life.
I can easily apply ARTT whenever I feel an emotion that does not help me, and when that emotion goes away, the experienced event is solved and it no longer affects you, so you can make reasonable sense of it.
It doesn’t matter who is opposite you, the emotions you have within you make you live them out, nothing else.
You can provide a solution to all these conflicting emotions onyour own with 3-5-minute ARTT mind exercises.
For example, my 4-year-old daughter all of sudden began to fear taking a shower. Whenever it was time for a bath, she would start playing all over the place and I would have to take her out without giving her a bath. It was at that moment, ARTT came to my mind.
The feeling of fear came out as tiny rats from her eyes, and instead of Game Play she was left with only happiness. After that, she is always running to take a bath. This is just a small example.
I continue to witness many miracles everyday,
In my opinion, no other method can do what ARTT achieves.
At the end, I’m so happy that I decided to come for a session with Güneş. I truly do love her and the ARTT method she has created. She does his job earnestly and possesses pure love in her soul. A big soul that has been sent to the world to teach us how to heal, permanently Don’t hesitate to take advantage of it.
Yours truly,
Reyhan Toyran
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