Hello there!
I would like to share a dream about two years ago and a short time ago in a session with Güneş. In my dream; I see myself as the sky. Filled with clouds, smoke, fog; but light. I feel like I’m peaceful. I’m just the age of that day and my physique. Between the clouds and the fog, I see a rather magnificent, big iron door. Other people appear next to me. They want me to open the door. They insist that I have to open it; because behind this door there was a great power that solved every problem. If I open the door, the power inside will solve all my problems. I’m so scared. When I open the door, I’m afraid to look in.
So I woke up from the dream before I could open the door … I was thrilled when I couldn’t open the door again. When Güneş asked me if I wanted to open the door, both fear and curiosity awoke. After a little work, my curiosity ruined my fear. I had to open it. I closed my eyes while Günes went on with the session. The door opened and I saw myself standing inside. I smiled with a peaceful expression on my face. I opened my eyes. That power was me. “Güneş, I see that I am behind the door – is this what I was afraid of this whole time?” I said. I was strong. I was really strong now. “Now that I am so strong, I will handle every challenge and solve every problem,” I said, and I was happy. I was happy to be born from rebirth, from the confidence of my power, from feeling that I was part of this universe, from the pleasure of integration with this universe, to be both very large and tiny.
Thank you very much Güneş, the one who has given me this life and helped me see my own power.
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